The Microtrendbot is powering down for a moment. . . recharging its batteries. . . refocusing its microtrend sensors. . . preparing to come back stronger than ever. . .
Gaffe, greed, whatever! AS LONG AS IT DOESNT AFFECT THE HAIR.
But Penns reputation is wrecked. His meeting with the Colombians wasnt a mere gaffe. It was pure greed. When Samantha Power called Hillary Clinton a monster, that was a gaffe. When Austen Goolsbee potentially told some Canadian friend that no one was going to end NAFTA, that was a gaffe (it was also true). Gaffes are accidents born of inexperience or exhaustion or poor judgment. Mark Penn, conversely, was simply doing his job as CEO of Burson-Marsteller. . .
SNIP (my first “Blog Snip”)
(Penns) meeting with the Colombians wasnt a mistake. It was a prescheduled business event that was supposed to make Mark Penn more money. Money that was more important to him than Hillary Clintons opposition to the Colombian Free Trade Agreement, and more important to him than spending those hours trying to make Hillary Clinton president so she could block that agreement. Insofar as he got caught and embarrassed the campaign, that was incompetence. But insofar as he took the meeting in the first place, that was prioritization — prioritization of cash over candidate.
My emphasis.
I hope Hillary Clinton fights all the way to the convention, by the way. . . I think we owe her that much. . .