Lawrence, KS is one of the best towns in the whole country! If you’re a friend of mine, you probably remember when I sent you a visitor’s package from the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce to try to convince you to move to Lawrence. Remember when I was all like, “Dude, we’re all moving to Lawrence, it’s so great, forget about NYC, let’s pull up stakes and move to Lawrence and buy old-timey houses and just sit around all day playing Scrabble, we can hang out with this one guy I met when I read at Lawrence, he can show us where to buy food.” Anyway, THANKS FOR NOT MOVING TO LAWRENCE, “FRIENDS!” Now I’m still stuck here in NY, one of the worst states to ever exist. (Just kidding, gotta show love for the Empire State.)
Anyway, because I only grant interviews to the hottest publications in the hottest towns, here’s an interview with one of the best publications in the country! LAWRENCE.COM!
The interview is about my jammin’ new book, did you ever see a picture?