Looks like the hottest blog on the internet really is improving peoples’ lives . . .
Hey David,
Ever since last friday’s face off I have been totally pumped up! Every 10min or so the song “Move On Up” pops into my head and I get a wave of pure energy! On sunday I carried a 30lb pumpkin over a mile while everyone else was taking the wagon ride cause I was so pumped! The best part is, it’s a different version of the song in my head every time! When I get near a computer (like right now) I go to your site and play the videos. I can’t believe I’ve never rocked out to this song before, THANK YOU! Keep the murdering jams coming!
(My emphasis.)
Ladies and gentlemen, the whole point of FRIDAY FACE-OFFS is to bring you pleasure and make you happy. That is my new goal in life. But don’t forget — WITH GREAT PLEASURE COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. (Believe me, I will drive this point home like a motherfucker come Friday.)