Wonkette.com is one of the hottest blogs (which, like all other blogs, will be destroyed by my blog). I begged them to interview me in advance of my D.C. reading this Sunday, and they did!
Wonkette: If not for 9/11 and Bush/Cheney and everything, you might just be just another laid-off magazine assistant editor or something, now. Do you have any words of thanks for the Bush Administration?
David Rees: Yes, in fact I just wrote them a poem in Old English:
To my dearre prefident Bushe /
whose most excelyent presiduncery hath provided mee
withe incomme (tho meagre) in thif betroubbled economie /
and whofe brillyance hath burnned its way into my soul /
and whofe leaddershippe hath made our greatte nation whole /
and whofe tenacity hath conquerred al-Qaedda moste wiccked
I want to give yee thif bouquet of flowyers I piccked /
fertilized by the corpses of Iraqi children.
 You can read the interview here.