If you’re like me, you don’t live in Minnesota. And yet you love and respect Norm Coleman because of his integrity and because of how his face looks, especially around the mouth area.
And if you’re like me, you wanted Norm to fight Al Franken all the way to the United States Supreme Court — and if that didn’t work out, all the way to the United Nations Emergency Court — and if that didn’t work out, all the way to the Thunderdome Court, where two men enter and one man leaves and the other man just stays in the Thunderdome.
Why is Norm Coleman giving up? Is this what our forefathers fought for? Is this what our neighbors are getting shot at in Iraq for? Is this what our future children’s friends will be getting attacked at from Chinese hillsides because of and/or for???
Where does it end? Will we stop having elections altogether, and just automatically let comedians and TV cocaine-heads be seated in Congress?
Where is the outrage? Meet me on the corner of Lafayette St. and 9th St. and I will SHOW YOU WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE.