Yearly Archives: 2010

10 Jokes About Sarah Palin Joining Fox News

1. Roger Ailes was interviewing Sarah Palin for a job at Fox News. “According to your resume, you left your last position as Governor of Alaska due to ‘philosophical differences’ with your employer. Could you explain?” “Y’see Mr. Ailes,” said Palin, “I became philosophically opposed to doing actual work instead of flying around in a private jet wearing fancy clothes and basking in the adulation of idiots.” “Oh, I didn’t mean that,” replied Ailes. “I meant, explain how you learned how to spell ‘philosophical.'”

2. A producer was giving Sarah Palin a tour of the Fox News studio. He pointed out the coffee machine, the restrooms, and the temperature-controlled pool where Glenn Beck’s tears are harvested. “Where’s the indoor dog track?” asked Palin. The producer was confused: “Indoor dog track?” “Yeah, I’ve heard dogs panting since I got here,” replied Palin. “Ah,” the producer said, “those aren’t panting dogs; it’s Bill Kristol. It means he’s excited to see you.”

3. Why did Sarah Palin cross the road?
Because there was an opportunity to make an ass of herself on the other side.

4. Sarah Palin was sitting in the Fox News green room, waiting to participate in another panel discussion. She had all her resources spread out in front of her: The latest issue of “Lapham’s Quarterly;” a recent Human Rights Watch report on the security situation in Afghanistan; and a dog-eared copy of Burke’s “Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents.” (That’s it. That’s the joke.)

5. Roger Ailes watched from the Fox News control booth as Sarah Palin and Juan Williams sat on a panel discussion. First Palin said something stupid; then Williams said something stupid; then Palin said something that wasn’t even an expression of a cognitive state– it was just vowel-sounds and burbling noises. “I love this woman,” said Roger Ailes.

6. Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Sarah who?
Sarah Palin.
So THAT explains why Rich Lowry is masturbating in my rhododendrons!

7. Sarah Palin was scheduled to appear on Fox News to use her mouth to make sounds. She arrived on set. “Where’s the other chair?” she asked. “What other chair?” asked the producer. Sarah Palin rolled her eyes: “Duh, the chair for Lynn Vincent, who tells me what to say when the movie camera is looking at me. By the way, there’s no gays working here, right?”

8. What do you call someone who expects to learn something about a topic by hearing Sarah Palin discuss it on Fox News?
You call them a cab! And then you tell the cabdriver to take that person to the State Hospital for the Mentally Insane, because they pose a danger to themselves and to our civil society– and if they protest and say, “You can’t institutionalize me just because I like how the pretty lady talks about terrorism and the economy,” you hit them over the head.

9. Timmy was watching Fox News with his grandpa. “You see, Timmy, these guys tell the truth. They don’t spin the news,” said Grandpa. Timmy said, “But, Grandpa, mommy says this channel is for sexually frustrated warmongering ideologues.” “Be quiet– the Life Alert commercial is on!” yelled Grandpa as his hands slid beneath the blanket on his lap.

10. What did the ghost of William F. Buckley, Jr. say when he saw Sarah Palin on Fox News?
I wish I was still alive, so I could call a press conference and blow my head off.


One day Sarah Palin made a trenchant, well-informed point on Fox News and thereby, however imperceptibly, improved the quality of discourse and collective intelligence of our great nation.

This Week Only: Opening Up The Sausage Factory

An email from a female internet user (didn’t know such a thing existed) has inspired me:

You seem nuts and it’s awesome! I’m [REDACTED]’s friend and I was complaining about being bored of the internet already at 6 in the morning and he said something about an unstoppable new fighting technique and now I wanna be your FACEBOOK FRIEND!

Aw yeah

Unfortunately I’m a girl.

Oh well

Okay, for this week only, female internet users can sign up for shifts in the MNFTIU Facebook sausage factory. Please bring your own hairnet and please be ready to discuss these topics:

1. Cans of beer, and how fun it is to drink too many of them
2. Are the Lions gonna beat the Bengals in the AFC East?
3. Remember that one night when Fat Tony ate 23 slices of pizza, and the last slice was sticking out of his throat and we were throwing peanuts at it?
4. When is Fangoria magazine gonna release a coffee table book?
5. Will Alex Rodriguez get a .452 RBI before the World Series goes on HD and can I get nachos with that?

Punchline Poll: “Jay Leno Will Take Your Job”

Hey everybody! Hope you’re having a good day. Anyway, we’ve just posted the latest PUNCHLINE POLL over at true/slant. Please take a moment to read the joke (“Jay Leno Will Take Your Job”) and vote on your favorite punchline!

Polls close next Friday. Vote early, vote often. (But please, don’t write computer scripts that keep auto-voting; this poll is open to humans only. Call the UN if you think that’s unfair.) Thanks so much for participating in our democratic system!

Reader Criticism Of My Facebook Friends’ Demographic Profile

Longtime blog-reader (and Facebookophobe) JKK was lurking on my Facebook page and offers this criticism:

Dude I know you may want to hide your friends after realizing Facebook’s nefarious plans but for my eyes it’s too late! I already noticed something about all your friends — namely, it’s a Facebook sausage factory. Yes, you have a few female friends sprinkled about, but basically you all are doing some serious BRO-IN’ OUT. Are you going to use your “wall” (or whatever the fuck it is, I’m not on Facebook) to arrange a kegger and wear baseball caps backwards and wrestle to express your mutual affection?

What can I say? I’m a guy’s guy. I love barbecue, beer, and sports– IN THAT ORDER. I wake up listening to Foghat and I rock ‘n’ roll all day and I don’t use conditioner when I wash my hair. I’m a 100% he-dude. So it’s no wonder that most of my Facebook friends are dudes.

Look, here’s a photo of me with my friends:

We were at a release party for a new kind of buffalo wing. It was awesome! I remember, I drank eleven cups of Jack & Coke, my favorite drink. Then Tony and I got in a fight about who was the greatest boxer of all time: Mike Tyson or Horseface Jones. Man, that was a funny argument. We got thrown out of the bar and then we kicked a car just for the heck of it and the car alarm went off and we started laughing so hard. Then we repressed our emotions for years and now we’re all in therapy. NO GIRLS ALLOWED!

Now I’m All Freaked Out About Facebook

Great, I just listened to that radio show and now I’m mad at Facebook! Let’s all reconvene on Friendster– it’ll be fun, like an abandoned beach nobody knows about with leftover cans of Bud.

If you want to hide your friends list from cyber-stalkers, just click the little pencil by your friends list and un-check “Show Friend List to Everyone.”

More information here.

Breaking… Facebook On Radio…

The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC is talking about Facebook … Facebook is becoming less private … they know everything … they’re gong to bundle us and sell us to advertisers … ARRGGGHHH why did I wait until Facebook sucked to join???

Will somebody please tell me what the next internet innovation will be, so I can get on it ahead of everyone else???

My First Facebook Controversy!

Ladies and gentlemen, we knew it would only be a matter of time before a take-no-prisoners iconoclast like me stirred up trouble on Facebook.

Look at this comment from a long-lost high school classmate:

you need some pictures on fb! what good is one shot looking up your nose?

Ouch! That’s supposed to be my “semi-professional” photo! I will have to ponder adding more photos to my Facebook. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Who knows? It’s all part of the emotional rollercoaster that is Facebook!

(One thing I don’t understand is, if you’re my Facebook friend, do you see EVERYTHING that people write to me, or only the things that are written to me by people you’re ALSO friends with on Facebook? Basically, what I want to know is, can you all read my email?)

New Friends

Looks like I got some new friends last night while I was busy sitting on the sofa reading Raymond Carver’s biography (executive summary: homeboy drank).

I will accept all these friendships and then set out looking for more friends!


I Made Lots Of Friends On Facebook Today.

Whew! My “accept-a-new-friend-button-pressing finger” is all worn out. My first full day on Facebook was great. Maybe tomorrow I’ll post some stuff on my wall. (I joined Facebook in part to promote all my new projects, once I come up with some new projects.)

If you’re a blog reader who isn’t on Facebook, don’t worry … this blog is still my #1 favorite spot on the internet. It’s the greatest thing going. But also I love Facebook. And twitter. And true/slant. And And I love all my babies.

Okay, that’s enough for today. Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!

I Like Making Friends.

I made friends on Facebook today! It’s awesome. I even updated my status to say, “I like making friends.” (I think it’s my status … it might just be a message on my wall … still learning all this stuff … be patient, my friends …)