When you need to get the job done, and get it done right, you need to go to a HARDWARE STORE. From hammers to nails, sometimes it seems like hardware stores have all the SUPPLIES you need to build a house.
2010 was a great year for hardware supplies — and 2011 was even better. This was the year hardware supplies really shined. If you don’t believe 2011 was one of the best hardware-supply years, I don’t want anything to do with you.
Here is my list of the BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES OF 2011:
10. Duct tape
9. Thermostats
8. Cement
7. (tie) Hammers, Rotary Saws
6. Vinyl Tubing
5. Lutron MA-R-WH Dimmer Assembly
4. Caulk Guns
3. 1/8″ Screws
2. Brackets
1. Construction Paper