What a year for theatre! 2011 boasted Broadway musicals, off-Broadway plays, and off-off-Broadway art-disasters … and that was just in New York City! Surely we live in the midst of a golden age of theatre, but on the other hand some people don’t even go to the theatre, so America when did we lose our way?
One thing is certain: When this nation is ready to find its way again, it will turn to its oldest friend, its noblest ally, and its greatest inspiration: THE THEATRE.
So let’s put on our costumes, dim the lights, and take the stage! And now, it’s time for 2011 to take a bow. Break a leg, 2012! Here is the BEST OF THEATRE IN 2011:
10. Movie theatres
8. Community theatre
7. Summer stock
6. Auditoriums
5. Theatre in the round
4. Black box theatres
3. Stadium seating
2. Modern theatres
1. Incredible theatre!