As the year 2012 draws to a close, we can’t help but think back on everything that happened in the last 12 months — from the very good to the not-very-good. What a perfect time to reflect and remember upon all the things that happened in the past year!
From trends, to news events, to pop culture and gossip, 2012 was truly a year unlike anything that has come before or since. Some people have already placed 2012 in the category of “Amazing Years of History.” Let’s take stock of everything that could make 2012 the “year it was,” and “that’s the way it was.” America, have we lost our way? And so, without any further ado, a tradition unlike any other: MY LISTS.
Let’s start with “A for Architecture.” It was an amazing year for man’s desire to build to the heights of the sky, as well as for man’s desire to build a wonderful shopping mall. And that’s not to mention residential developments, garages, and even stadiums for basketball teams. If architecture makes the world go round, then three cheers for architecture! And 2012 was no different.
10. Development stories
9. Skyscrapers
8. Airport designs
7. Building codes/safety regulations
6. Houses vs. Homes
5. Planning a new building
4. Stories about architecture overall
3. Specific things about architecture
2. The changing nature of buildings and structures
1. Infrastructure
And so it begins. I’ll see you soon with more lists!