Best Of 2012: QUOTES

THANKS TO ALL THE THINGS CELEBRITIES AND POLITICIANS SAID IN 2012, the year will probably forever be known as “the Year of the Quote.” Whether the quotes were funny, sad, or crushingly stupid, they reflected the realities of life in 2012. Sometimes it felt like for any given situation, somebody famous would say a quote about it and make our lives better — or worse.

That’s the power of quotes, and why it’s time to reflect upon the TOP TEN QUOTES OF 2012.

And so here are the TOP TEN QUOTES OF 2012:

10. “Nothing is impossible — the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” — Audrey Hepburn

9. “Won’t get fooled again.” — Mitt Romney

8. “A new pathway.” — Paul Ryan

7. “What a life. What a crazy, crazy life.” — CNN

6. “It was unlike anything I’d ever seen.” — Passersby

5. “Post this on your wall.” — Anonymous, via Facebook

4. “Didja check out my Spotify playlist?” — Teenagers

3. “When God was handing out noses, he handed me a big fat nose.” — Ronald McDonald

2. “We heard a loud noise and looked around, and then we were like ‘What in th–?'” — Bystanders

1. “It’s 4:20. Do you know where your ganja is?” — Hillary Clinton at the NORML Day of Action Conference