Thinking about the rebirth of the National Alliance in Italy, and party leader Finis rejection of fascism, reminded me of when I was a kid and my friend and I were supposed to DJ the middle-school dance
and we were afraid wed get beat up by the “scary” black kids unless we had some really hard, tough rap music.
I read SPIN magazine back then, and saw a review of the debut album by some guy named Schoolly D.
The reviewer accused Schoolly D of “Glorifying murder like a fascist fool.”
I thought, “Hey, if the record is truly violent and fascist, I can play it at the school dance and everyone will
think Im so tough theyll stay away from me!”
So I ordered the record, and guess what? BEST RAP ALBUM OF ALL TIME. STILL MY FAVORITE RAP ALBUM.
Recorded in Schoolly Ds bathroom, if I remember correctly.
Mandatory youtube video description: Schoolly D, “I Dont Like RockNRoll”
By the way, we never DJed the dance. I cant remember why we lost the gig, but its probably for the best because we only had, like, 10 records and a handful of cassettes. How many times
can people listen to Dream Into Action and The Hurting?
PS: As you probably know, Schoolly D has experienced a rebirth of his own, not unlike Alleanza Nazionale: He does the music for that cartoon about the milkshake that people on drugs watch.