Best of 2011


When you need to get the job done, and get it done right, you need to go to a HARDWARE STORE. From hammers to nails, sometimes it seems like hardware stores have all the SUPPLIES you need to build a house.

2010 was a great year for hardware supplies — and 2011 was even better. This was the year hardware supplies really shined. If you don’t believe 2011 was one of the best hardware-supply years, I don’t want anything to do with you.

Here is my list of the BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES OF 2011:

10. Duct tape

9. Thermostats

8. Cement

7. (tie) Hammers, Rotary Saws

6. Vinyl Tubing

5. Lutron MA-R-WH Dimmer Assembly

4. Caulk Guns

3. 1/8″ Screws

2. Brackets

1. Construction Paper

Best Of 2011: SPORTS

There’s nothing like sports to bring out the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat inside all of us. From the baseball diamond to the tennis court, this was the year we thrilled to victory in sports — and also, we agonized over the defeat of our favorite teams. But the opposing teams’ fans thrilled to their victory. No, you haven’t lost your mind, that’s just how life works … IN SPORTS.

Here’s my list of THE YEAR IN SPORTS:

10. Baseball

9. Tennis

8. Swimming

7. Football

6. Balls

5. NCAA Basketball

4. Women’s sports

3. Running

2. The Olympics are coming

1. Victory

Best Of 2011: WORDS

A year is defined by its words, and its words are defined, in turn, by the trends and upheavals that rocked our world to its very foundation in the year of 2011, so is it any wonder 2011 saw some of the most amazing words of all time, all in the space of one single year?

Here is my list of 2011’s WORDS OF THE YEAR:

10. Slang Words
9. Internet words
8. Names
7. Verbs
6. Crazy Words
5. Words Screamed By Maniacs
4. 9-9-9
3. Different Words
2. Nouns
1. New Words


Best Of 2011: SCANDALS

2011 was a year of scandal. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. Here’s a video I made for the Huffington Post counting down the BIGGEST SCANDALS OF 2011:


It’s that time of year again: YEAR-END LIST TIME!!!

Most years are incredible, and this was the year we realized 2011 was no different. From news events to current events, we saw a bit of everything in 2011, and that’s what made it special. 2011 was truly a year for the history books.

To celebrate the end of this important year, I have once again developed THE HOTTEST YEAR-END LISTS ON THE INTERNET.

Ignore all other lists: These are “the only lists you need” to “get ahead conversationally” at your “too many cocktail parties.”


(Check back in 15 minutes)

Best Of 2011: SONGS

Songs can express the full spectrum of human emotion in just three minutes on the radio. They can make us feel happy or sad. Some of them even make us smile! Their melodies get stuck in our head for days — that’s the power of song.

2011 was a great year for songs. It was almost like pop stars and opera composers conspired to make us feel things we’d never felt before — now is our chance to thank them. From number-one smash hits to other, crappier songs, 2011 was one of the best years ever for songs. They should put the year 2011 in the Songwriters’ Hall of Fame.

Here are my picks for the TOP TEN GREATEST SONGS OF 2011:

Songs that made us happy

9. Jingles

8. Songs that made us jealous

7. Instrumental jams

6. Rap songs

5. Country songs

4. Noisy songs

3. Quiet songs

2. Other songs

1. The best songs!

Check back soon for my of my year-end lists!