It’s no secret that 2017 was one of the best years in recent memory. Like a blockbuster movie, this year had something for everyone — and left everyone feeling happy and satisfied due to its overall excellence in every regard. Basically, like the bumper sticker says, when it comes to 2017, “If you’re not overjoyed, you’re NOT PAYING ATTENTION.”
And so, as the year winds down, it’s time for a tradition like no other … a gleeful celebration of good works and noble ideals … (as well as a sober look back at events and factors that defined this year) … a summary of all that we’ve seen, as well as a discussion of all that we’ve lived through. We stand atop a hilltop surveying the landscape of 2017, and we draw a map so that we can make sense of it all … “What does it all mean, where are we, 2017 we love you so much, your hills and valleys have touched us like no other …”
Let’s cut to the chase: It’s time for my year-end lists. These are the only lists that matter. If you are a longtime reader of my lists, they need no introduction. They are, simply, the best lists. If you are a new reader who has found these lists, welcome! You are about to learn more about 2017 than you ever thought possible, and it is my hope that these lists will inspire you and give you insights into our world and the times we live in, especially the year 2017.
I’ve been thinking a lot about traditions lately, and I’ve been wondering if my lists are the greatest tradition. I believe the answer is Yes. But I leave the final judgment to you, the reader of my lists, which are about to begin (they will be posted to this web site and live forever).
So without any further ado, let’s begin my lists!

Here are the TOP TEN MOVIES OF 2017.
Oh! I forgot to say: From big studio movies to tiny independent movies, 2017 was the year movies showed us who we are. When it comes to film, nothing beats going to the movies in 2017. Cinema is the art of looking at movies, and to that I say, “Here’s looking at you, kid.”
Now, without any further ado of any kind, here are the TOP TEN MOVIES OF 2017:
10. Decent movies
9. Auteur movies made by visionaries
8. Fun movies the whole family can enjoy
7. Historical movies
6. Movies that make us think and go “Hmm”
5. Raunchy comedies
4. Movies that made us laugh and cry
3. Pretty good movies
2. Award-winning movies
1. The best movies of the year … there can be no further discussion