
Reader Mail: New Book

Just sent an announcement to my mailing list about the new book . . . urged all my subscribers to buy fifty copies . . . let’s make history . . . if everyone buys fifty copies of my new book, we’ll beat DIANETICS into submission and I can start my own religion . . .

A reader responded:

Taibbi and Rees, that’s like Talib Kweli and Mos Def, you can’t sleep on it!

Gol-durned right you can’t sleep on it! My book has an introduction written by MATT TAIBBI, the one journalist who makes me look like William F. Buckley, Jr.

Won’t you help this campaign by making a donation of buying fifty copies of my book?

Interview With Zulkey.com, One Of The Hottest Blogs

Zulkey.com is one of the hottest blogs around. I am the hottest new blogger on the scene. Match made in heaven? You bet! Zulkey.com interviewed me about my thoughts and feelings, my hopes and aspirations . . . all that stuff.

Which parts of the campaign is giving you the most fodder these days?

I guess I get fodder from McCain and what an idiot he is and yet people still think he’s a maverick even though basically he’s an idiot. That’s good fodder because of the fact that he’s such an idiot.

What are some of your methods of going out and getting ideas for the strip or blog when they’re not coming to you?

LOL, I love that you wrote “going out and getting ideas,” like I ever leave my house, or am ever NOT just stationed in front of my computer hitting refresh on talkingpointsmemo.com. If I don’t have an idea for a cartoon, I just hit refresh harder and harder, faster and faster, with more and more ferocity, until something happens . . . like John McCain losing his mind and nominating some dumb lady from Alaska to be his VP.

Read the whole interview here.

Thank you, Zulkey.com!

DISCLAIMER: Although I like zulkey.com, my blog will destroy it along with all other blogs.

Lieberman Swallows The Starbursts

Joe Liberman and Sarah Palin are in Florida together! INSPIRATION STARTS NOW:

“She’s so strong, she’s so capable, she’s so competent,” Lieberman told the cheering crowd. Emphasizing her “faith,” he added that she is someone who “with your help — and God’s help — will be the next vice president of the United States.” More big cheers.

The religiousity continued when Palin bounded onstage. She commented right away on the number of American flags in the crowd, declaring: “God bless America–you guys get it!

“You guys get it!” What a nice lady. (Read the whole account here.)

Reader Mail: Friday Face-Offs

A European reader (yes, this blog is read worldwide, yes this is the hottest new blog, yes the E.U. is knighting me and bestowing the Order Of Super-Bloggers upon me) writes in about last week’s Friday Face-Off Runner Up:

She is so expressive in her eyes — it is as if she was on the horrible show ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and Tyra Banks told her to smile with her eyes. But this lady took it a thousand times farther and expressed her contempt and rage through her eyes. Amazing. I can’t stop watching.

“Friday Face-Offs: I Can’t Stop Watching.”

Data Point I Forgot To Mention

Something I never even thought about before canvassing in PA this weekend:

The whole Sarah-Palin-winking-at-the-camera thing during the VP debate?

Did NOT go over well with female Hillary supporters of a certain age.

Dangers Of Door-Knocking

Went to Wilkes-Barre, PA this weekend to engage in political subterfuge on behalf of a known radical and terrorist sympathizer. Ate a Philly cheesesteak; when asked for a cheese topping, chose “Wiz.”

Body now HURTING.

Nobody beats the Wiz!!!

EXCLUSIVE: Inside The New GYWO Book

I told you there was hot new book coming out. . . could be the hottest new book on the scene . . . could take Barnes & Noble to a whole new level . . .

Amazon might have to buy new servers to handle the online orders . . . this could be the “Eat, Pray, Love” of political-cartoon anthologies . . . Hello Oprah, it’s me GYWO, let’s make this happen . . . Deepak Chopra, I want to be on your podcast, you can interview me at your convenience (but this week would be better than next week) . . .


Friday Face-Offs: Fortunate Son — WINNER!!!

Congratulations, all other rock bands throughout history. You have just been destroyed.

“I believe the children are our future /
Teach them well and let them lead the way”

–Whitney Houston

(PS: Yes, he is singing the chorus in the affirmative, i.e. exactly wrong, i.e. exactly right.)


Have a great weekend! If you live in Wilkes-Barre, PA, look for me knocking on your door.