
Best Of 2008: Trends

Like everyone else, I got caught up in some amazing trends this year. Here are the TOP TEN TRENDS OF 2008:

1. Books On Tape
2. Cool Things
3. Walking Around
4. Balls
5. Stores
6. Hanging Out
7. Videos
8. Facebook Online
9. New Songs
10. Politics

Best Of 2008: Music

Everyone agrees: 2008 was one of the most exciting years for music in a long time. Here are my picks for TOP TEN MUSIC OF 2008:

1. Rock ‘N’ Roll
2. Rap Music
3. Country
4. Dance
5. Instrumental
6. Jazz
7. Classical
8. Soundtracks
9. Flip-Flap
10. Singing Music

Best Of 2008: Wine

Drank a lot of great bottles this year. Here are the TOP TEN WINES OF 2008:

1. Cabernet
2. Merlot
3. Fizzy
4. Sauvignon
5. Chardonnay
6. Zinfandel
7. Pinot
8. Shiraz
9. Muscat
10. Pertollo

Best Of 2008: Colors

Another great years for colors! Here are the top ten colors of 2008:

1. Beige
2. Purple
3. Green
4. Red
5. Brown
6. White
7. Blue
8. Yellow
9. Silver
10. Lavender

Interview With Greg Pak, Cartoon Mastermind

Greg Pak is one of the hottest comic writers on the scene. I am one of the hottest bloggers on the scene. (“One of,” LOL? Who am I kidding?) Anyway, here’s another interview . . . I tried to be funny in it:

Greg Pak: Talking Points Memo versus ThinkProgress versus DailyKos versus mnftiu.cc. Please discuss.

David Rees: TPM over everyone, are you kidding? TPM over ThinkProgress, over Dailykos, over NYTimes, over Ebay. CAP is a good organization but I never look at ThinkProgress; I check Yglesias’s blog every so often, but not as much as I did when he was at the Atlantic.

(I don’t know why I look at the Atlantic’s blogs, since most of them drive me up the wall. Why would anyone read James Fallows’s or Jeffrey Goldberg’s blogs.

LOL, here’s my Fallows impersonation: “It’s been really interesting watching CSI: Miami over here in China because everything is so different in China, look at this headline from the China News Daily: “CSI: MIAMI PROVES CHINA IS GREAT,” by the way look at my new USB stick, I got it in China where I live, boohoo Michael Crichton died, what a great guy, I heard about it over here in China, hey look another air taxi business went out of business, now how am I supposed to fly home from China? By the way, I totally live in China, look at this stupid photograph I took of some dumb building, can you believe how polluted everything is? Also, I love my new Apple Mac Super-thin laptop that I use when traveling around China, which is where I’m blogging from, because I live in China.”)

You can read the entire interview here.

Top Ten Lists, 2008

Guys, it’s time to start posting my top-ten lists! Are you ready?

We’ll start with the TOP TEN FOODS OF 2008:

1. Broccoli
2. Cheese
3. Flour (I was loving flour this year!)
4. Beets
5. Eggs
6. Popcorn
7. Yams
8. Spinach
9. Ice cream (DUH! Still one of the greatest foods)
10. Animal legs

Photo Update

Snapped this on my way home from the store yesterday . . . photo doesn’t convey the MADNESS WITHIN.

Update: Rod Blagojevich Hair Superstore CHAOS!!!


Chaos at the Rod Blagojevich Hair Superstore!!! Everyone’s trying to grab a handful of the incredible substance . . . MIT prof mentioned below is waving $100 bills, screaming: “YOU FOOLS DON’T UNDERSTAND, THIS HAIR MAY HOLD THE SECRET TO TIME TRAVEL, I NEED ALL OF IT!!!” . . . kindly old grandmother just whacked him with her purse: “Let go of my hair!” . . . LOL, I think she means “my Blagojevich hair,” looks like she’s got about 2-3 pounds in her purse . . . one desperate-looking lady just said, “I want to rub it (the hair) against my wallet, it will give good fortune, I just drove all the way from Sarasota, please let me rub against the magical hair. . .” Never seen action like this . . . follow me on Twitter for further updates . . . LOL, Twitter, yeah right! I’M ALL UP IN SOME HAIR, I GOT NO TIME FOR NO TWITTER.

Live Update From The Rod Blagojevich Hair Superstore

. . . things are chaotic here . . . shoppers going crazy for the great bargains available on this incredible hair . . . so dark, so rich . . . overheard: “Can you dip strawberries in it?” . . . seems to actively absorb sunlight . . . rumor is, the chair of a major Ivy League physics department is scrambling to buy up ALL AVAILABLE BLAGOJEVICH HAIR for study . . . this is definitely the “hair to have” this holiday season . . . I’ll post more, first I gotta grab some of this INCREDIBLE HAIR!!!