
Music To My Ears

An Obama quote from Newsweek’s big new Obama article:

“I often find myself trapped by the (debate) questions and thinking to myself, ‘You know, this is a stupid question, but let me … answer it.’ Instead of being appropriately [the tape is garbled]. So when Brian Williams is asking me about what’s a personal thing that you’ve done [that’s green], and I say, you know, ‘Well, I planted a bunch of trees.’ And he says, ‘I’m talking about personal.’ What I’m thinking in my head is, ‘Well, the truth is, Brian, we can’t solve global warming because I f–––ing changed light bulbs in my house. It’s because of something collective’.”

(My emphasis)


I love this song.

I’ve performed it exactly twice:

– Once in the winter of 1990, home from college, when two of my high school classmates were killed in separate car accidents in the same weekend. One of my high school bands had a “reunion” show at a local cafe, and I played this song and got all choked up. Messy.

– Again in the fall of 2001, at John Hodgman’s post-9/11 Little Gray Book lecture. I think I opened with an original composition called “I Hate You Heaven,” then played this song, then closed with a big “New York, New York” singalong.

Two times I sang this song in the shadow of grief.

Tonight I hear it in glory.

Reader Mail: Friday Face-Offs!

This just in from a reader . . . the magic is working . . .

Yes! Yes! Yes! Friday Face offs gets me pumped to walk the streets of NH to bring it home to the front door! The week of Fortunate Son really kicked my ass in gear… Thanks Dave!!!!



You can hear me laughing in the background when Dennis Miller comes up. Totally unprofessional, I know . . . but we do have fun at the recording sessions.


Saturday: Prints Gone Wild!

Saturday night, after you’ve done all your phone-banking and door-knocking, you need to attend this nine-alarm circus!

I’ll be emceeing and DJ’ing. The new GYWO book everyone is video-blurbing will be available for purchase! And yes, I will sign your book and draw a bald eagle in it!!!

Cannonball Press and Supreme Trading proudly present:


The fourth-ever annual vernacular printacular mega-hairy brooklynaffordable print fair.

The ORIGINAL AND ONLY 50-bucks-and-under American print fair.

Supreme Trading
213 N 8th St.
Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211

Sat., Nov. 1st                  
Opening reception/party
(This is when I will “spin my platters” and MC the events and sign books. –ed.)

Sun., Nov. 2nd                     
Fair is open all day


The Amazing Hancock Brothers – McGregor, TX 
Yeehaw Industries — Knoxville, TN                                     
Howling Print Studios — Brooklyn, NY
Tugboat Press — Pittsburgh, PA          
Bikini Press — Minneapolis, MN
Justseeds — Brooklyn, NY 
Sean Star Wars — Laurel, MS
Kayrock Screenprinting –  Brooklyn, NY
Space 1026 — Philadelphia, PA
Purgatory Pie Press — New York, NY                                                
Drive By Press — Madison, WI
Isle of Printing — Nashville, TN
Cannonball Press — Brooklyn, NY

After last year’s incredibly successful fair, Brooklyn’s own Cannonball Press has again assembled an extraordinary menagerie of graphic artists under one roof, who will be present, displaying their prints, and selling them for $50 or less for two days only.

An entertaining sideshow will take place during the fair, featuring traditional Mexican music from Grupo Diamante Norteno, “deathgrass” titans the Black Death All-stars, a print-o-centric fashion show, emcee David Rees (of Get Your War On fame), a performance by the Amazing Hancock Brothers, and on-the-spot printing with Drive-By Press, which operates a mobile press out of the back of their van.


The best affordable art in town, guaranteed.

CSS Expert Needed

Hi everybody!

Do any of you know CSS? The blog isn’t loading correctly in Internet Explorer, and my blog helper (the great PCL) says I need to find a CSS wrangler.

If you can help, get in touch . . . my email is dr (at) mnftiu.cc


Reader Mail: Friday Face-Offs

Looks like the hottest blog on the internet really is improving peoples’ lives . . .

Hey David,

Ever since last friday’s face off I have been totally pumped up! Every 10min or so the song “Move On Up” pops into my head and I get a wave of pure energy! On sunday I carried a 30lb pumpkin over a mile while everyone else was taking the wagon ride cause I was so pumped! The best part is, it’s a different version of the song in my head every time! When I get near a computer (like right now) I go to your site and play the videos. I can’t believe I’ve never rocked out to this song before, THANK YOU! Keep the murdering jams coming!

(My emphasis.)

Ladies and gentlemen, the whole point of FRIDAY FACE-OFFS is to bring you pleasure and make you happy. That is my new goal in life. But don’t forget — WITH GREAT PLEASURE COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. (Believe me, I will drive this point home like a motherfucker come Friday.)