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My new favorite web page:


Welcome to the African Americans for McCain homepage. We are African Americans that believe good government is based upon the individual and that each person’s ability, dignity, freedom, and responsibility must be honored and recognized. We believe that John McCain is the best candidate to move this country forward and preserve the dignity of our democracy.

(My emphasis, because — LOL, they should have gone to this nice rally!)

LOL, on a personal note, I was canvassing in PA on Saturday and two members of our group got assaulted by a McCain / Palin supporter, LOL nice people you got supporting you, McCain! LOL, they are certainly taking a “maverick” attitude towards society’s prohibition against assault. (This is true, even thought I’m using my famous LOL’s.)

So what did our team members do?

They cried “boo-hoo” and turned tail and went home — NOT.





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How’s your day going? I assume mine is going GREAT.

From John McCain’s web site:

There is no greater nobility than to sacrifice for a great cause and no cause greater than protection of human dignity. Decency, human compassion, self-sacrifice and the defense of innocent life are at the core of John McCain’s value system and will be the guiding principles of a McCain Presidency.

Here’s a video about a McCain supporter living out those values. Even though I’m not supporting McCain, I have to say, it made me feel good . . . reminds of that book, “Chicken Soup For The Soul”:

From the youtube comments:

This is pure non-sense from the Zionist Jew run media. They capitalize on some nobody citizens’ holloween decoration in the middle of NOwhere. Yet, suppress any news coverage of the Racist Black Nationalist movement that is trying to take over America. The HATE speeches of Rev Wright? Lius Farrakhan, Malik Shabazz, Al Sharpton and millions of their followers VS a holloween costume?? What a absolute scam. And you ppl eat it RIGHT up.

LOL, how did he uncover the secret conspiracy between Louis Farrakhan and the Zionists? I thought they did a good job hiding their secret love relationship from everyone.

Also, when the video started, didn’t you think you were watching a broadcast from circa 1992, and weren’t you like, “How did they know to hate Obama way back in ’92?”

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Checkin’ out these hot vids of proud Americans . . . seem like nice folks, I’m sure McCain would love to be locked in a room with them for a few hours . . . LOL, they look ready to lead America into the postindustrial, internationalized 21st Century . . . LOL, didn’t they read “The World Is Flat?” . . . LOL, “Winners Incorporated,” didn’t realize you were holding your annual meeting outside the rally . . .

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Good morning! I will be away from my computer for the next 24 hours because I’m traveling to Princeton to give a free reading this evening and then guest-teach a class tomorrow morning because I am so famous even the most distinguished professors with the biggest elbow patches are trembling.

But don’t worry, I have programmed my computer to blog automatically in my absence.

Enjoy all the preprogrammed posts headed your way!

Also, if you live in Princeton, please attend tonight and give me a high-five and b.f.c.o.m.b.*:

Labyrinth Books
122 Nassau Street
Princeton, NJ
5:30 PM

(*buy fifty copies of my book)

F*ck It, I’m Calling It: FIFTH GOLDEN AGE.

What can I say?

It’s not the Golden Age I predicted, but what else can you do but yell “GOLDEN AGE!” in the presence of this?

tire swing

“Tire Swing Just So Much Fun Feels Ammaaaaaazing”

TPM for life.


Maybe I should call a press conference?

BREAKING: Could We Be On The Eve Of TPM’s Fifth Golden Age?

Ever since the publication of my ground-breaking essay on the Four Golden Ages of talkingpointsmemo.com, I’ve been slammed with emails from people asking whether this or that TPM post heralds the Fifth Golden Age.

Frankly, although JMM and “the boyz” have been on a tear recently, I don’t think they’ve warranted a new Golden Age. But I’m starting to see inklings of a potential Fifth Golden Age — a Golden Age that could actually overshadow all the TPM Ages that have come before it.

Check out JMM’s post titled “Short Memories”:

Most reporters were slow to catch on to the significance of the US Attorney Firings story. (Basically, JMM just called the entire United States press corps a bunch of stupid-ass little gumps –ed.) And though it eventually became a big scandal, it seems most of the reporters have now more or less forgotten the whole thing since we’re now seeing a replay of the offenses no more than two years later. And rather than calling the bad actors out, most of them are whooping and hollering and going along for the ride.

What’s going on here? Simply put, two Golden Ages have been set on a collision course: The Second Golden Age, when TPM exposed the US Attorney firings and brought down Alberto Gonzales, and the Fourth Golden Age, when JMM called out McCain for being a total loser and a Grade-A douche bag.

Do you see what’s happening? The Republicans are going to try to run more bullshit voter purges and “fraud” prosecutions — the very tactics JMM exposed in the Second G.A. — on behalf of McCain, the very politician JMM has been dumping on in the Fourth G.A.

Are you kidding me? I’M CALLING IT NOW: We are on the cusp of a Fifth Golden Age!!! And if my instincts are correct, this Golden Age will be more intense and more ferocious than any age that has come before it. Because, if the Republicans succeed in bamboozling everyone into believing ACORN is somehow stealing the election? JMM is gonna get . . . happy.

For the sake of our country, I hope we can avoid this Fifth Golden Age. But if we can’t, it’s going to be overwhelming.

I can only wish JMM and TPM godspeed.

You Want It To Be One Way

Ezra Klein on why pundits keep getting it wrong:

(P)undits only know what they’ve seen. And they’ve seen these attacks work. And so the debate finishes, and the red lights beneath the cameras blink back to life, and they go with the safe bet: Today will be like yesterday. But today is not like yesterday. And that’s why John McCain is losing.

In other words . . .

“You want it to be one way. But it’s the other way.”

Rising Star On The TPM Scene?

Check out this TPM post by one “Ben Craw,” in which he analyzes a video of Joe Biden removing his jacket.

Are we dealing with a new TPM superstar?

Pay close attention to this part of Craw’s analysis:

Whoa! Did you see that? :24 mark. At least TPMtv thinks it was the :24 mark, but it was so fast the precise time is impossible to pin down. What just happened there? Did Biden’s jacket get caught in a paper shredder behind him? Did a crowd member suddenly turn on a Suck Kut? Maybe a rabid dog got ahold of the back? Seriously, no man can remove a jacket that quickly.

The vibe is very Friday Face-Offs!

Ben Craw, I like your style . . . can’t wait to read more of your video analyses . . . let me know if there’s anything fishy in Missouri’s 4th District re: Judge Smith and the D.A. purge because of illegal contractor porch-building for Rep. Jones (D-93) . . . TPM in full effect . . .

As My Blog Grows In Power And Influence, Expect More Of This . . .

A reader asks about an endorsement:

Has your new blog decided on an endorsement yet between Republican incumbent Tom Wilson and Democratic challenger Monica Yane with regards to Wayne County Indiana’s 3rd District Commissioner race????

Good question. Anyone who knows me knows I am OBSESSED with Indiana’s 3rd District. Are you kidding me? I’ve been studying that district since college, when I wrote my final paper on that district. Nobody knows that district like me. I even wrote the official theme song for that district: “Wayne County 3rd District Song.” (A hot jam, look for it on youtube or Star Search!)

Sample lyric:

Chillin’ here in the Third
The Third District
Uhh uhh get up on that District
Which District?
The Third! The Third!
Uhh uhh yeah, exactly
District love, got that crazy District love
Third District Third District
Wayne County to be precise
In the great state of Indiana

Anyway, as far as the commissioner race goes . . . I’m actually endorsing Douglas Spaceballs, the Libertinernanian Party’s candidate. Douglas has a clear vision for the 3rd District, which you can read about in his e-book titled “Burning Corpses and Falling Buildings: The Nightmare Becomes Reality” (no amazon link available).

So there you have it! My blog’s first official endorsement! I plan to endorse fifty candidates per day between now and the election, at which time I will settle into a more manageable rate of ten endorsements per day.